Over-Size/Over-Weight Restrictions (click to open)
Highway 27 Construction Update- March 20, 2025
It’s been another busy week on-site. Here’s a look at what’s
been done and what’s coming up next.
Progress to Date
What’s Coming Next:
Detour Road Opening – April 3 (weather permitting)
The detour road is expected to open the evening of April 3,
weather permitting. This will shift westbound traffic onto the new route on 1stAvenue N.W. Please drive with care and follow all posted signs. Watch for
pedestrians and remember this is a neighborhood, so slow down and stay alert.
🚧 Reminder: Please slow down. The speed limit is 30 km/h through the construction zone — even if crews aren’t on-site — and fines double in construction zones. Let’s keep everyone safe. Thank you for your continued patience and support as we work
to improve Highway 27.
Project Update- March 14, 2025
It’s been nearly two weeks since construction began, and we’re making good progress.
Project Overview
Temporary Detour Route
Project Background
Highway 27 plays a key role in supporting the growth and development of several central Alberta communities. Within the Town of Sundre, Highway 27 is designated as an Over Sized Over Weight (OSOW) route and is a key contributor to Alberta’s High Load Corridor.
Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors (TEC) has planned improvements to Highway 27 through the Town of Sundre, from the east boundary of the Town to the west boundary. The improvements are designed to support safer, more efficient travel through this area and enhance pedestrian safety.
The planned improvements include:
· Single lane roundabout at Highway 27/22/584/Range Road 54 (10th Street) intersection
· Permanent mini roundabouts at 2, 3 and 4 Street (West) intersections
· Intersection improvements at 1 Street (West) (right-in, right-out)
· Pavement rehabilitation, improvements to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, access management and lighting.
Following public engagement in 2022, additional improvements were identified including intersection upgrades at Centre Street, the Red Deer River bridge approach slabs, signalization of Highway 760 intersection, waterline relocations and additional lighting improvements.
The temporary mini roundabouts installed as a pilot project in 2017 have been assessed and deemed effective in improving both traffic flow as well as pedestrian safety. As such, TEC have directed the installation of permanent roundabouts along Highway 27 at 2 Street, 3 Street and 4 Street in 2024.
The anticipated timeline for the TEC improvements to Highway 27 is as follows:
- 2025 (January to February) - Miscellaneous construction activities (e.g. utility relocation, clearing of construction laydown area – in the northeast quadrant of Hwy 27/22/584/10th Street Intersection
- 2025 (March to October) – Construction activities for Hwy 27 Improvements
- 2025 (November) – Hwy 27 Construction completion (contingent on weather)
For more information about the Highway 27 improvement project, visit Highway 27 Improvements (Sundre) | Alberta.ca
Contact Information
If you have questions about this year’s construction work, please contact hwy27@sundre.com.
If you are interested in receiving project updates, please fill out the form below: