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school Sundre's school system boasts a dedicated and innovative staff, whose focus is squarely on your kids. River Valley School (kindergarten to grade 8) builds a creative and inclusive environment that continues on into grades 9 to 12 at the Sundre High School (SHS). 
At SHS, excellent academic, athletic and music programs have turned many Sundre youth into provincial champions of various sorts and the school performs amongst the highest level throughout the province, in terms of number of graduates, number of students participating in Provincial Achievement Tests, and in other critical areas. 
Sundre High School's commitment to delivering a well-rounded and solid education to its students has also resulted in a very successful dual credit program (where students earn transferable college/trade credits while still in high school) and in a Community Learning Centre (CLC) which offers an alternative learning environment. 
Sundre's CLC is considered an exceptional model for such facilities, both within the local school division and beyond.
Sundre is also home to a new Campus Alberta Central (CAC) learning site, located at the Sundre Community Centre. CAC is a joint venture between Olds College and Red Deer College (RDC) to provide on-site, in-person learning in some of Central Alberta's smaller communities. RDC typically teaches the courses in Sundre, so keep an eye out for ongoing post-secondary programs available to the public being taught by them right here in town. 

School Division:

4904 - 50 Street, Innisfail, AB T46 1W4

Tel: (403) 227-7070

Fax: (403) 227-3652




Public Schools:

Kindergarten to Grade 8
310 Centre Street N

Grades 9-12
102 - 2 Ave. NW

Private & Continuing Education:

Campus Alberta Central - Red Deer College Learning Site located at Sundre Community Centre 

  • Individualized learning, ECS to Grade 12
  • Home schooling

Adult & Family Literacy:

Mountain View Communities Adult Learning Society
4500 - 50 Street, Olds College Ralph Klein Centre, Olds, AB T4H 1R6
Phone: 403-518-7020

Family Literacy Programs
Stacey Bozak, Coordinator
  • Our programs, offered throughout the communities in Mountain View County, support parents through sharing skills, tools and resources to enhance literacy development within the family.
  • Programs include Books for Babies, Parent-Child Mother Goose/Rhymes that Bind, and First Years: Building Baby's Brain.
Adult Literacy Programs
  • We offer one-on-one tutoring for adults who would like to improve their reading, writing or math skills.
  • We also teach English as a Second Language.
  • We offer training for all our tutors.
We always offer a variety of courses throughout Mountain View County. Please visit our website at or email for programming information.

Educational Resources:

Sundre Municipal Library
#2 - 310 Centre St. N.
Tel: (403) 638-4000

  • Tuesday - from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday - from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm
  • Thursday - from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (as of Sep.20, 2007)
  • Friday - from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm
  • Closed on statutory holidays.

Other Education-Related Groups:

Parents' Help Line
Nutrition For Learning

Campus Alberta Central 
Your College Connection